Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sunday Update

So we went into IPOP.....and as we expected nothing major.... Dr. Swinnen thinks we will need to biopsy again tomorrow. Trish's liver level is elevated, but only slightly. Her whites cells are again zooming up -- they are at 15650 today. She's tired. I have to believe something is up, but apparently not enough to take any action - yet. I have to admit, i am worried that they will wait too long to cut it off at the pass, but we'll see.

Our IPOP appointment tomorrow is at 9:30am and tonight, we'll enjoy going out to dinner with my friend Scott. If Trish isn't up to going out we'll bring her something back, but she insists she is up to going out. Stay tuned (if this doesn't make sense read the earlier Sunday post).

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