Monday, August 20, 2007

Monday slow moving

and I can't relax. Trish on the other hand is sleeping. Dr. Griffiths just left, we were so happy to see her. I think the psychological medicine of just seeing her is very good for us. Trish is in pain, just rolling over in the bed hurts her. Yet, last night she sat through (and ate) dinner out with my friend Scott. I wish I could relax. By this afternoon I might, once we have a plan again. The steroid treatment for GvH is about 12 weeks and if we start them this week, that would put us here through November -- so much for our plan of being home in October. I haven't explained that to Trish yet.

Dr. Griffiths reminded us that GvH is something we want to insure that the disease is fought and that acute GvH is usually treated and goes away. Chronic GvH is the stuff that comes and stays forever. So we are still on track from their stand point.

More after we see the GvH team.

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