Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Okey Dokey it's been a long day

The Liver biopsy was finally done tonight. Trish was wheeled back into the room at about 8:30p.m. The pre-meds for chemo soon have started (around 9:15pm). She's feeling pretty good considering. She had one of her fentanyl lollipops for pain and will get sedating meds pretty soon. Than he chemo will start. I will start a new chart of blood counts and we will start a new waiting game. As soon as Hopkins gets around to billing, we expect to run out of benefits shortly and will look towards a guaranteed issue policy under HIPPA for some coverage. The policy will run about $1,000 a month and provide much less coverage than we have been used to, but at least we should be able to maintain coverage so that HIPPA protections should remain in place on her. Many of you made that possible and we can't express our thankfulness enough. We're not opimistic of getting results of today's biopsy before Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. Trish will probably be sleepy till about noon tomorrow (Thursday), so if you wan to call her don't do it too early.

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