Here's the's been a long 24 hours. We did get a call back to admit Trish last night. We checked in about 7pm and they started high dose steroids last night just after midnight. She got a second dose this morning around 11am. Trish has already improved since yesterday as a result.
Dr. Boleanos-Meade came in this morning to discuss the clinical trial again with us. Trish has always been happy to participate in the clinical trials. This one had only one scary thing about it. One of the four possible drugs Trish might get with the steroids might cause blindness. While this had been our focus of concern. Dr. Meade blew it for himself when he said that if Trish did well on the regular treatment, she might get to go home as early as 3-4 weeks from today and if she did the trial she would be required to be here at least 56 more days. Trish didn't need to think about it. She didn't care about side effects. She immediately said the standard protocol sounded fine to her. We still may be here through the end of October, but there is now an outside chance we may come home before September is over. Well, it's still a long way away, as each new day brings its own challenges and changes, but it is something to hope for.
We are waiting to confirm our insurance status and hope that we have the running room we need to take care of that.
Trish will likely remain an inpatient tonight and maybe tomorrow night. But should go back to IPOP after that through the remainder of our stay.
I haven't said this in a while, but thanks. Thanks to each and everyone of you who have been praying and helping us along this journey whether you have prayed quietly, watching from the shadows or sent regular email and cards. This journey could not have been traveled without you.
For those who might want to call Trish here is the new room number good at least through tomorrow night. The number is 410-502-0321, best time to call is 1pm through 9pm. She will likely be sleepy if you tried at 11am, right after the steroid dose.
We just came back from about 10 laps around the nurses station so that's a very good thing.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
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