Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Billi is not our hero

Well, Trish's Billirubin count went higher again today. The docs just left rounds and Dr. Meade is coming back late this afternoon to go over the next step in more detail. The next step involves Cytoxan chemo therapy.

You can read an abstract of a similar study done in the Czech Republic by clicking this sentence. The outcomes in that study, while a small test group, were very good. It works best on GvH in the skin and liver, which is where Trish's GvH is.

The actual clinical trial that Trish will be getting can be read by clicking here.

Today, they will send Trish for CT scans to insure she doesn't have an infection. She is sweating and cold, but has no fever. The steroids can mask a fever, previous scans have not shown anything and the hope is that today's will not either. Trish will also get a liver biopsy to insure there is nothing else going on. I don't think that is a fun procedure. The ultra-sound of her liver yesterday looked good according to Dr. Meade.

This is the big bend folks. Trish needs you. She needs your prayers and just as important she needs your good cheer. It's time to step up the cheerleading folks -- I need your help pump our girl up! Cards, letters, calls and email -- they are all good and much needed to keep Trish on track and focused on the prize.

Chemo will likely start tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Trish and Chip,
I know how discouraging things can get, but you MUST keep your faith that God will see you through this. Take the time to stop and feel His loving arms around you. Please know that you are always in my prayers. I continue to send you positive thoughts and energy. I KNOW you can do it!!!
Vicki Quinn