Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Greetings from IPOP

Well, we thought we were going to have a day off today.....Trish woke up last night (about 2:45a.m.) with a fever. Opting to do the right thing and not be quiet about it, she woke me up and we called in to the on call doctor. Dr. Swinnen called us back and said with no other major symptoms, it was ok to take some Tylenol and wait till morning. So a few Tylenol later we went back to bed. At about 7am I called IPOP and arranged for an appointment. They gave us a 12:30 appointment which meant it would be a long day. So here we sit, just about 2pm and waiting for labs to come back. Trish had her first nausea and fever today since her discharge. Her throat is red and sore. The throat culture they took on Sunday was negative, but something is making her throat red. No word yet on the second skin biopsy they took yesterday yet. Trish's nurse practitioner is off today and they were having trouble figuring out who was covering for her. I am sure someone will see her before we leave, just no sure yet, who.

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