Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Update - Surgery times confirmed

Trish's surgery is scheduled for 7:30 tomorrow Wednesday morning. The OR is booked from 7-11:30am, though they are not expecting it to last that long. She'll spend most of the rest of tomorrow in ICU and than come back to her room on Weinberg 5B to continue recuperating.


Anonymous said...

Chip and Trish,

I am missing both of you! I'm going on line to see what is going on with you. Sounds good though the road has sure been rough for you.

Sherm update. They took his GB out yesterday at JH. (Good people and great minds run together.) Couldn't do the pseudo cyst. Believe it or not, they did it in your building and he is now a resident on the 4th floor.

I'm praying for you.

Michele Stokes

P.s. Your building is THE place to be. It is NICE and there are no visiting hours. They will even let me sleep there if I want and stay with Sherm!

Michele said...

Chip and Trish,

I am missing both of you! I'm going on line to see what is going on with you. Sounds good though the road has sure been rough.

Sherm update. They took his GB out yesterday at JH. (Good people and great minds run together.) Couldn't do the pseudo cyst. Believe it or not, they did it in your building and he is now a resident on the 4th floor. We are definitely in the "high rent" district in that building. Plus NO VISITING HOURS!

I'm praying for you.

Michele Stokes

Michele said...

Chip and Trish,

I am missing both of you! I'm going on line to see what is going on with you. Sounds good though the road has sure been rough for you.

Sherm update. They took his GB out yesterday at JH. (Good people and great minds run together.) Couldn't do the pseudo cyst. Believe it or not, they did it in your building and he is now a resident on the 4th floor.

I'm praying for you.

Michele Stokes

P.s. Your building is THE place to be. It is NICE and there are no visiting hours. They will even let me sleep there if I want and stay with Sherm!