Wednesday, October 10, 2007

HIDA - No, LP - No, Surgery maybe

So this morning they prepped Trish for the HIDA scan (nuclear medicine view of the gall bladder), than they took her over t he scan. She did remember to mention that we had read that the billi needed to be below 20 for the test and the doctors said they wanted to try the test anyway. Apparently they didn't check with the nuclear med doctors.

Trish was wheeled in and wheeled out without having the test done. Nuclear med wouldn't do it with her billi so high.

The docs also cancelled the LP (lumbar puncture/spinal tap) they had scheduled for Noon today. They were going to use it to see if Trish had something in her spinal fluid responsible for the headaches. But the headaches are better since she hasn't been eating.

However, she just called me (I'm back at the apartment washing clothes) and told me that the surgeon just stopped by. He is on the fence whether they should drain the gall bladder or remove it. It's pretty enlarged and they may not be able to remove it laproscopically (i.e. they may have to cut her open to get it out). Their other choice, to drain it, would require it to be drained over several weeks. That would definetly postpone our return home. Regardless of what they do, it is likely to drain our insurance, patience and test us to new levels. At this point we both just want to get home.

The surgeon wasn't optimistic that the gall bladder issue is the problem with the billi being so high. He thinks that the billi is high due to GvH and that the gall bladder inflamation is due to Gvh too.

The are likely to make some sort of decision today and we'll keep you posted.

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