Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A decision has been made!

We are stil waiting for a confirming CT to know that nothing else is going on, but the surgeons are looking at putting Trish on the emergency schedule for gall bladder surgery first thing in the morning.

We expect the CT to confirm that the gall bladder is bad and nothing else is wrong and that Trish will be in surgery first thing tomorrow morning.

They are expecting to perform the surgery "open" the old fashioned way instead of laproscopically. The reason is that it will be safer for Trish and easier to repair anything else that might be an issue or go wrong during the procedure.

Everyone expects that the removal will put Trish back on the track to recovery from the GvH and allow her to eat again.

The only down side to the open surgery is that recovery times goes from 2-3 days to at least a week. But than we should be able to move forward to get her liver back o regeneraing and coming home.

They will pump her platlet levels up to over 100 tonight (they are currently at 59. As much as we dread surgery we all feel this is Trish's best chance to get back on track to recovering her liver after GvH and Dr. Huff reiterated that it is possible that her liver can make a comeback after she can eat again.


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