Saturday, October 13, 2007

Saturday - No ordinary miracles today

Today was not the bright hopeful day we expected after the last two days. Trish's night was less than spectacular. She woke up tired and headachey and nauseous. They are trying a new nausea medicine today. It's supposed to work well and last several days on one dose.

Trish is feeling better now (about 6pm) and ate some jello, it appears to be staying down. There is so little in her stomach, that she says she can feel it (the jello) making its way down. We may try some farina before bed tonight. They are trying to schedule a modified HIDA scan for tomorrow (Sunday).

It was a big bummer for Trish and I to have a bad day today after a great 3 days and a nice two day visit with Joe and Cathy, but one day does not a trend make. Tomorrow could be the day to turn it all around.

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