Thursday, April 12, 2007

What a difference a day makes.....

Whew! Just when you thought you knew which end was up.... We got a call early this morning from Carolyn the bone marrow transplant case manager. Apparently while she was on vacation this week (until today) her stand-in had already submitted the dates for Trish's transplant to the donor's transplant center. The dates were all early May (we'll talk about them later). What this means is that we need to start testing earlier than originally thought and we might be home far less than we thought. It all hinges primarily on the date that the donor picks. Being the greatful recipients of a second chance at life that we are.....we are happy to be flexible.

So Trish will start her pre-eval testing tomorrow afternoon after what is her last IPOP appointment.

The testing will continue next week Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. We should be able to head home Thursday or Friday next week. Check the Chemo calendar for tests and testing times as well as all scheduled events, dates, etc....

So, we have cancelled our auto train trip for Sunday. The Amtrak folks were very nice and will reschedule our trip pending space available for no extra charges. Depending on expected time at home though - we may need to fly. I was looking forward to taking Andy to the UF Legacy admissions seminar on Tuesday/Wednesday or Thursday night and now can't. Life is just not fair and the guy who started the "CANCER SUCKS!" pins had it right on.

For that matter the retired Protestant minister we met last time we were here had it right to. His wife also had Leukemia. He pulled me over one day needing someone to talk to... He told me that he had counselled, ministered several families who had gone through a diagnosis of cancer and that he was going home and writing them a letter of apology that night. He said he had no clue what they were going through and that nothing he said at the time could have possibly comforted them. It's that intense a feeling. You can only understand it by experience.

Back to the dates, They gave the donor the choice of May 7, May 8 or May 14th. Which means that the actual transplant for Trish will be May 7, 8, 9, 14 or 15th. Depending on the day the donor picks and how fast they get the marrow back to Hopkins -- we don't know where it is coming from.....

If the donor picks May 7th, Trish would need to be back on April 27 and start intense chemo on May 1st.

There's probably more stuff to say, but I am exhausted and have to get back to work and back home to Aunt Mary's.

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