Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Today is day 5

So after 51 days on the first chemo round, a few days of anxious waiting, we now find ourselves on Day 5 of what should be about 28 days of waiting. For those tracking the religious significant mile markers....Trish was first admitted on Ash Wednesday and her first chemo course lasted the 40 days of lent. Now her second round of chemo is slated to last until the Ascension. If we are lucky she will be clear and maybe they can rush her to transplant by Pentecost, but I am guessing that it will be later. I've updated/corrected the chemo calendar if you want to check the dates.

Dr. Griffiths is on call tonight and she stopped by to see us. She helped set us straight on what the calendar will be. She also, told us not to worry about the fact that Trish hasn't had many side effects, the proof will be in the blood tests, not the sickness.

Here's a bummer....both Trish and the donor will have to redo any pre-tests they did before. Just hope it doesn't dissuade the donor from making the donation.

Trish's 5th dose of chemo starts soon, the sixth and last dose is at Noon tomorrow.

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