Monday, April 2, 2007

Monday - Monday

Ok, it's Monday. More of the same....We were at IPOP by 8:30a.m. Trish's headaches were worse last night so they decided to try the morphine for headaches again....only problem is I went out of IPOP for 5 minutes and the nurse thought she got a regular push (injection directly into the IV tubes, like your giving a shot) instead of the over 5-10 minutes using the IV pump...So instead of instantly relieving her headache it made her instantly throw up. I came back in and explained to the nurse how she had gotten this and helped. She knows now.

Trish's counts are again trending up yesterday and today (check out "The Counts" on the left). That's a good thing.

After a week of meeting people who were doing real well with their transplants. We got some bad news yesterday. Someone we know from Rockwell isn't going to make. She's older (mid-late 60's). She had several complications including a bad Graft Vs. Host disease. We had dinner with her family last night in the Rockwell kitchen. As we always say and know, this can go either way, we just have to keep moving on for the best chance possible for all of us.

Trish is scheduled for her bone marrow biopsy this Thursday at 1:00p.m. -- the thing that stinks about that is that she won't be able to eat until after the test, so it will be a long day. Stay tuned, I need to join a conference call in a few minutes.

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