Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sunday Update

Sorry to keep everyone waiting...We finished up in IPOP around 1:30pm. The oncology resident put another stitch in around Trish's catheter and it stopped bleeding. The radiology surgeon that placed the line, checked it in recovery and thought it was fine, but it wasn't. The entry hole was just too big and needed to be sewn tighter around the catheter.

The toughest part was that the resident placed the stitch with no lidocaine and Trish's skin is sensitive so it hurt like hell. We went up to Aunt Mary's last night and Trish is doing fine.

I'm a little bummed after the Gator disaster last night. Tebow looked bad till the end and the whole first half was horrible. So much for the miracle repeat of the Gators.

We'll head back to our apartment at JHH after dinner tonight and start the first day of the rest of our lives at 9am with an IPOP appointment and than ECP starts at 1pm. Trish is feeling stronger and eating well.

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