Saturday, September 1, 2007

204, 52, 698 time for another edition of guess the numbers....

Hmmm... do you know what those numbers are? Better yet, can you tell me what is significant about today? September 1st, 2007?

Well, first a word from our sponsor.... Trish is sounding and looking much better today. So far, breakfast and all pills have stayed down. Not sure where her counts are, but remember the chemo is designed to bring her blood counts down. I'll start tracking the counts on the way up soon. The doctors haven't rounded yet, but we'll see what they say. Today could be the first good day for Trish. Stay tuned.

Now back to our program....It has been 204 days since we have been here to treat Trish's relapse, 52 days since the transplant and 698 days since the first diagnosis in October 2005. Her first treatment lasted just over 150 days.

But why is today so significant? The first of September. Today marks the day that we have officially been in Maryland every month of the year. Trish's first round ran from October through February. This round has run from February through at least September and possibly as late as November.

Rounds are almost here....Possible update later today...

Ok the docs just left. They are happy with Trish's liver enzyme count reduction, billirubin is still high, but that takes a while to respond. The study calls for a recheck on Day 28 after the cytoxan dose completes to confirm that the GvH is under control- which would be on September 26. Because of the holiday weekend, Dr. Meade would rather leave Trish in the hospital, because if they let her out and she needs to come back, it is more difficult. So she is scheduled to be discharged on Monday if she continues to improve.

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