Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tuesday Update

Which would you prefer -- feeling sick or bored?

Trish is bored today and she isn't sure if she prefers feeling good and being bored or feeling sick and not lacking for entertainment. She tells me I'm not boring, just not always in the room.

She had a nausea free day and ate fairly well, which is a good thing. The doctors told her this morning to eat very well this week, because the next three weeks will be rough weeks and she likely won't feel like eating. Aunt Mary sent some homemade chicken fingers which Trish enjoyed for dinner tonight.

The boys flew home today and their flight was delayed by an hour. My cousin Marisa and her two little girls (her husband is in Iraq) are staying this shift with the boys.

One bit of excitement today, Trish received a letter from her donor. Though she wanted to write to him right after the transfusion, she hasn't been up to it. She started writing him tonight. The NMDP doesn't allow you to identify yourself or your location in the letter and reviews and censors each letter to avoid violating the rules.

Here's what we know about Trish's donor:

He's a fireman (it was censored, but we think he is from New York City). He signed up to be a donor at work. He is married and has two boys (age 4 and 2) and has a third child on the way.

Funny thing -- about a month ago when Trish needed to go through another round of chemo, he had a stomach virus and wouldn't have been allowed to donate. Someone told me once there are no coincidences......
They both cleared their hurdles.

Trish and I our excited because he told her that he would love to meet us and we would too. We just have to make it through a year and they will allow us to meet.

He also said that if Trish (our veggie queen) starts craving T-bone steaks and lifting heavy items -- that's him.

So next time you pray for Trish, please remember a fireman who was surprised that he could help a stranger, but was very excited to do it. Without him, we would be in a not so happy place right now.

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