Saturday, February 24, 2007

Saturday Mid-day

Welcome to Day 2. Trish received red blood last night, guess her crit was low. She's sleeping like a baby today. Every once in a while I'll ge up and just stare at her to make sure her chest is going up and down, and it is. It's the simple pleasures. They probably have her well sedated to avoid the nausea. She is still vomitting whenever she moves. I expect to her sleep today away. She should have a fairly good week though, because she won't get chemo again till next Friday (Day 8). Her Mom will be with her then and I will go home the night before. I'll return in about two weeks which should bethe time her counts start coming back and she would be eligible to be discharged. A discharge really isn't a discharge though as it means IPOP every day for a week or two.

The boys are playing Lacrosse today in deep south Dade county. When I tried to get an update at what should have been 30 minutes into the game, my Mom told me that they were still waiting for the referees. She'll call me at half time with an update if they ever get started.

In the Chip is really human department -- Trish and the boys like to think that I think I am perfect. Trish has gotten her fair share of traffic tickets, but I am at a lifetime of 1 and holding. On the way to the hospital today I was pulled over for going 83 in a 65 mile an hour zone. The trooper had empathy for me with all the Hopkins stuff strewn about the front seat of the rental car and let me off with a warning....But see guys I really am human....

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