Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Here comes the Chemo

Look for a link on the left to the chemo calendar shortly. Trish will start chemo therapy tomorrow. She will do the clinical trial click here for more info:;jsessionid=A099D5156AED07E3764036BD5ABB4156?term=NCT00293410&submit=Search

Tomorrow (Thursday Feb 22) will be known as Day 0 (zero). Once posted check the chemo calendar for administration of the meds - probably a good idea to not call on med days and to try calling her on non-med days. Trish had a cat scan today and we spent time with the clinical trial nurse getting the scoop on the trial. Tomorrow should be a rough day as she will get chemo, a bone bone marrow biopsy and who knows what else.

Time to head back to Aunt Mary's house - I need to get a good night sleep tonight.

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