Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My brother provided me with the link below, as I sat teary eyed opening up more Mass cards and reading emails. I have to say this lady who is also newly widowed sums up how I feel pretty well.


Scary too, she was married for 19 years, just like Trish and I, but they waited a little longer to have children from the ages.

I am working from home this week, so that I can move back into my house, sort through stuff, wash clothes and the like. I also don't think I am quite ready to start a routine of being in the office. I'll do that next week.

Tonight, I'll go to a Lacrosse meeting for the boys at school. Trish missed much of the boys Lacrosse seasons as a result of her treatments. She was so looking forward to seeing them play this year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Chip,

If you can I think a lot of us would like to see the speech Andy gave posted.

Take care,

Cousin John