Since we have so many folks caring and sharing and not all of them could be with us this weekend, I thought I would jot down some thoughts about today before going to bed.
Flowers. A few posts back I mentioned that I was ok with lots of flowers versus folks donating on behalf of Trish. Boy o'boy did you all take that to heart. As I walked into the funeral home today, the flowers were everywhere and the funeral folks weren't sure what to do with all of them. There were over 60 arrangements and everytime I turned around more were showing up. They were all beautiful. We could only bring two to the church and raher than leave the rest at the cemetary, we picked 2 or 3 o leave at the cemetary and brought the rest home. Trish's butterfly garden in the front of the house is filled with beautiful arrangements and each table on our patio for he reception tomorrow has an arrangement and flowers fill the house. Tomorrow we'll pick up about 11 more and fill the backyard as we celebrate Trish's life.
While all the arrangements were wonderful, as I went around the room reading flower cards. I hit one and began to cry. It was from our friends Faye and George. Faye is also a patient at Johns Hopkins and the night before Trish's aneurism incident we shared what was to be Trish's last meal with Faye and George. Trish guided me through preparing a special pasta dish that was low fat since she had just had her gall bladder out and George picked up a special pizza and we enjoyed a good meal. Trish cheated and took a big bite of my pizza and it tasted so good to her. Thanks Faye and George for becoming fast friends and remembering Trish. I will continue praying for Faye each day.
People. My other surprise of the early afternoon was the number of people who showed up for the early visitation. As my brother put it, the early visitation is usually for old folks who can't drive at night. The room was filled. Tonight the room was standing room only. Not only did we have quantity, but quality. We had folks making sacrifices to say goodbye, from Trish's friend who drove in from Colorado to folks who flew in and out for a few hours to be with us today or drove 10 hours or more just to see us today and say goodbye to my beautiful bride and the boys loving mother.
The folks who accidentally came across Trish's obituary and showed up today really made my day as well. My long time friends Rob and Ferny and "The Moms". Trish and I went to Amanda the Panda on Saturday mornings with the boys when they itty bitty and made some real good friends that we haven't seen for a while (as the kids are now seniors in high school), but they were there tonight -- Cindy, Darla and Alba. Wow. That really warmed my heart and made my night.
All of the folks who have come out and shown there support have been amazing. Your love and efforts meant so much to all of us.
The cookies. We received today two unique gifts worth mentioning. Both involved cookies. My friend Tony enrolled us in the cookie of the month club. Each month we will receive a bundle of joy that will bring us memories of Trish and her cookie baking. Trish's friend Susan, spent the day baking and fedexed a batch of fresh home made cookies to us. We might share some tomorrow, but the boys and I enjoyed them today.
Cards, letters, emails and guest book signings continue to pour in. My quiet wife, who avoided being the center of attention is sure attracting a lot of attention now. I better get to bed, we get picked up at 9:30am to say our final goodbyes before heading to Mass.
Friday, November 9, 2007
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