Thursday, January 24, 2008

Tree Planting

Here are some pictures from the tree that was planted at Nova High School. In case you are at the school and want to see it, it is located in front of the auditorium building facing the parking lot, closest to the baseball field. The temporary sign I built cost less than $20 and looks pretty good for a cheap and easy solution. The bronze plaque should arrive in about a month to replace my cheap solution. Marianna showed us in a book what the tree will look like when it matures-- it will have beautiful orange/scarlet flowers and is a Florida native. I grabbed these facts from the Florida Gardener web site, I believe this is the right one, the Geiger Tree:
Plant Facts:
Botanical Name: Cordia Sebestena
Plant Type: Evergreen tree
Height: 25', medium growth rate
Soil Requirements: Various, an ideal plant for problem soils.
Water Requirements: High drought tolerance also high flooding tolerance. Holds up very well to salt spray.
Light Requirements: Full sun. Frost sensitive
Leaves: The large, 7" long, stiff, dark green leaves are rough and hairy and feel somewhat like sandpaper
Flowers: Dark orange, two-inch-wide flowers appear in clusters at branch tips most of the year.
Fruit: 1" to 2" long, pear-shaped fruits have a pleasant fragrance
Propagation: Seeds, cuttings.

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