Trish's Chemo started late today. It was supposed to start at about 9am, but it was late coming up from the pharmacy. They finally got it started in the 11 o'cock hour, which explains why she sounded so good this morning and mid-day when I spoke with her. She sounded upbeat and full of energy. I spoke with her late afternoon and she sounded like she was asleep (or drunk), but they had already started loading her up with the meds to avoid the nausea that make her sleep. She will probably sleep most of the weekend away. Before she got so sleepy, I was able to tell her that I lost 5 pounds in the last two weeks -- she had Aunt Mary trained to make sure I ate well and it worked.
Speaking of sleepy, I had no drugs, but took several naps today myself. Tonight I am working on her digital frame. I will ship it off on Monday -- so this is your last chance if you wanted to send her some pictures.... .
Speaking of pictures, Trish let me snap two pictures before I left and ha

s authorized them to be published. One is of her smiling on that new comfy Johns Hopkins Hospital bed and the other picture is of her feet. She already has a r

eputation for having the best socks on 5C.....These are some of the docs favorite -- individual toe socks....Maybe she'll let me complete the sock picture theme and snap the kittens, bunnies and other fun socks she has accumulated. Even on after a dose of chemo doesn't she have
the best smile?!
Thanks to our friend John Jenkins, Trish will soon get to see her boys in action. John came out to their Lacrosse game last night and video taped parts of it. They lost, but our boys played well. It's amazing how many guys bigger than Andy he can deck and make it look easy. Matt almost had a goal, they say it got trapped in the net, looked like a goal to me.
Trish will receive another double dose of chemo tomorrow and than it is just a matter of waiting (again). Waiting till March 9th to see if they successfully put her back into remission, waiting several weeks for her blood counts to return to a safe level, waiting for the bone marrow transplant. Stay tuned, as we again ride this roller coaster, together.
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